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Decided time for a good ol pop song! this was fun! Fawm song number 18

I want to tell you now
Tell you how I feel
I now know for certain
What weve got is real

My mind, oh my mind
I hold back, sometimes
I just want to tell you
How good were all our times

Sometimes I think
Sometimes I try and tell you
And Sometimes i do nothing at all

I want ya, and I need ya
Ill get you somehow
And I’m there for you always
And I’m ready for you now

You’re my everything,
you’re all I ever want
I will tell you everythimg
Youll be my confidant

Sometimes I drive
Sometimes I walk
Sometimes i do nothing at all

I want to tell you now
Tell you how I feel
I now know for certain
What weve got is real

Sometimes I think
Sometimes I try and tell you
And Sometimes i do nothing at all

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