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Hotel Lobby Soft Rock

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Grant and I became obsessed with maj7 chords and that led to a lot of jazzy sounds. The title came before there were words and it seems about right.
Megan really made this one shine.

Backing vocals by Megan Kleven

How many times will we keep repeating the same old story
Telling each other the same lies that didn’t work before
Who did what first
Who said the last words
Who bought the flowers
Who wrote the last verse
The one about the sadness in your eyes

So many times we have tried
So many times we’ve failed

But now we’re back here and we’re repeating the same old story
It will be different than before, or so we say
I’ll stand up first
I’ll use my last chance
I’ll wait for you
Saving the last dance
To Save A Prayer just one more time

So many times we have tried
So many times we’ve failed
But if try one more time
This could be the one that’s real

I saw you standing by the wall
You were whispering my name
And I could see in your eyes
This time it will not me the same

wilsun's avatar
wilsun said

Clever and witty, lovely backing vocals, and all those maj7 chords! And I appreciate the DD reference.
