Sunshine and the Deathrays's listening history

Sunshine and the Deathrays's avatar
A sweet, hopeful melody; a song about coming out of the winter of the soul. The basic drum and guitars recorded live on floor in warehouse/ carpentry shop.
Sunshine and the Deathrays's avatar
A sweet, hopeful melody; a song about coming out of the winter of the soul. The basic drum and guitars recorded live on floor in warehouse/ carpentry shop.
Sunshine and the Deathrays's avatar
12 bar blues with spoken word poetry. The guitar and drum tracks recorded live in warehouse/carpentry shop.
Sunshine and the Deathrays's avatar
Psychedelic futurism, a rocker with a robotic twist...
Sunshine and the Deathrays's avatar
Pay your money, plead your case... try to stay in a state of grace... oh yeah...
Sunshine and the Deathrays's avatar
Sam came up with the groove, and we just grabbed it and ran... All hail the great AI... all hail the great AI.
Will Tonna's avatar
In a dramatic finale, the colonists confront the ripple effects of their actions and the ultimate fate of humanity, as they strive to shape a new future for themselves and their planet.
Sunshine and the Deathrays's avatar
Sam came up with the groove, and we just grabbed it and ran... All hail the great AI... all hail the great AI.
indoor voices's avatar
George is trying to build a tower but kitty's not helping...
Sunshine and the Deathrays's avatar
A sweet, hopeful melody; a song about coming out of the winter of the soul. The basic drum and guitars recorded live on floor in warehouse/ carpentry shop.