MikeyHogan's listening history

dalwynth's avatar
A song written and recorded for the Record Every Month challenge in May 2023
Dweeb's avatar
I like the word "Shellac" so I made a song about shellac, that's it. For this one I decided to play my old broken trash-picked drum kit instead of using MIDI drums. I spent about a week trying to fix that snare and if anything it sounds worse…
Dweeb's avatar
Everything about this song came about by accident, it is nothing like I'd originally imagined it. A number of people have made good suggestions about how the song could be improved. I was unable to implement any of the them, because anything I…
dalwynth's avatar
A song written and recorded for the Record Every Month challenge in August 2023
dalwynth's avatar
A track written and recorded for the Record Every Month Challenge in August 2022.
dalwynth's avatar
A song written and recorded for the Record Every Month challenge in July 2022.
dalwynth's avatar
A track written and recorded for the Record Every Month Challenge in January 2024
dalwynth's avatar
A song written and recorded for the Record Every Month challenge in December 2023
dalwynth's avatar
A track written and recorded for the Record Every Month challenge in November 2023
dalwynth's avatar
A song written and recorded for the Record Every Month challenge in October 2023