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My lyrics, music by Gordon Todd.
I wrote some of this way back in the pandemic and then finished it recently. I have no idea what it’s about, so you’ll have to use your imagination. Tyranny? Covid?
Here are the lyrics:

A blood red sun rose through the smoke
Of a thousand funeral fires
Then it cast its golden cloak
Over the quick, the dead, the liars

The sunlight fell on a mighty dome
Which lay beyond the pyres
The people knew this was the home
Of the avarice and the liars

When the curse crept over every land
The liars squirmed with pleasure
At all that cash they’d soon command
Trading people’s lives for treasure

But a mighty leader would be found
The people would have their day
They’d cast the liars from their lair
And then they’d have their say

Until that day the folks would dream
Of liberty and fair play
For now, the rising sun would stream
Onto avarice and liars

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