acoustic57's listening history

vojvodinosaurus's avatar
vojvodinosaurus's avatar
slightly longer version --i might take a break from music for some time, maybe i just upload when i feel like it--
vojvodinosaurus's avatar
this time sth jungle/breakcore, my first such track
Ricia Rae's avatar
Going through my collection over the years...thinking I'll post some of those old tunes (pretty rough and take, recorded on garage band I believe). Why is short! Thanks to anyone who listens :)
meatcigars's avatar
Speedy O'Tubbs, Bellingham Washington 1989
James Michael Taylor's avatar
DIRTY LAUNDRY Key C I got a call from Russell. He had to move his junk He’d filled his car. He’d filled his trunk Big black bags of something. I said, “What’s with these?” He said, “It’s dirty laundry.” I said, “That’s crazy.” So, he…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
THE TIDE POOLS OF CALIFORNIA capo @ 5 in C. 4/6 time…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
A friend asked me, "Don't you have any happy songs?" So I wrote one! IF IT MAKES YOU HAPPY capo @ 3 C F C If it makes you happy I will tie your shoe C…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
BROCCOLI Every day I stop at Walmart And buy a crown of broccoli Get it fresh. Eat it before it dies...
James Michael Taylor's avatar
IN MY ROOM In my room there's no day and there's no night In my room, just an incandescent light ...hanging from a wire. In my room there's no hot and there's no cold In my room,I'm not young. I'm not old ...hanging from a wire…