Aeroplane Manufacturing Company's listening history

justmerritt's avatar
lots of left and right stereo, lots of back and forth of right and wrong. my conscience is clear.
justmerritt's avatar
Peters version of this is actually fast so i decided to slow it down and make it "picky" also, i was always fascinated by the key change which isn't something i've done in my music (or at least on purpose haha i do have a key change on the chorus…
justmerritt's avatar
this is pretty ruff, but i don't see myself rerecording it anytime soon plus i can't find the lyrics and i'm too lazy to write them down ... anyways. i guess its just a bunch of thoughts about God, a little dramatic. enjoy!
justmerritt's avatar
this was an idea also that i added a bunch of fun polyrhythms too... check it all the way out the beginning may be boring but hey,,, the song is like... 0:55 so you can't complain! and... i've never heard anyone rap to weird time signatures either…
justmerritt's avatar
this was an original that i didn't end up liking but it has some potential i guess... the transitions are ruff.... but i also need 3 songs to make this playlist visible! haha
justmerritt's avatar
another rap song which Young Reaper aka ashley brown calls his "gospel rap" i made a really happy beat to it... i think the chorus is really catchy... gets stuck in my head haha...
Rob and Laura's avatar
justmerritt's avatar
My neighbor is a rapper... i have been experimenting a bit with garageband electronic stuff... so we collaborated. this song won him a rap competition in Englewood South Chicago... tell me what you think!