Udon Noodles's listening history
A new piece created using Digital Machine and Sine Waves Orchestra - two apps by Robert Attanasio http://www.robertoattanasio.com/ -
I didn't do very much at all, apart from one or two key changes - looking forward to doing more.
These are cool…
Yet another new piece created using Digital Machine and Sine Waves Orchestra - two apps by Robert Attanasio http://www.robertoattanasio.com/ -
These are cool apps I hope to exploit yet even more - this piece was just a test - but i Like it so…
Another new piece created using Digital Machine and Sine Waves Orchestra - two apps by Robert Attanasio http://www.robertoattanasio.com/
These are cool apps I hope to exploit more - this piece was just another test - but i Like it so i wanted…
A soundscape/poem created from a portrait image of the artist Bibiana Padilla Maltos. The image was converted into sound, the sound saved and re-converted back into a spectrogram image. This image created the basic soundscape. ASCII and hex code…
Part two of the Sonic Portrait of Reed Altemus in which Text to Speech reads Reed's Bio in text and code format. The musical element is a photograph of Reed interpreted by software run on an old iPhone.
A soundscape/poem created from a portrait image of the artist Reed Altemus. The image was converted into sound, the sound saved and re-converted back into a spectrogram image. This image created the basic soundscape. ASCII and hex code from…
A soundscape/poem created from a portrait image of the artist Reed Altemus. The image was converted into sound, the sound saved and re-converted back into a spectrogram image. This image created the basic soundscape. ASCII and hex code from…
Another new piece created using Digital Machine and Sine Waves Orchestra - two apps by Robert Attanasio http://www.robertoattanasio.com/
These are cool apps I hope to exploit more - this piece was just another test - but i Like it so i wanted…
A new piece created using Digital Machine and Sine Waves Orchestra - two apps by Robert Attanasio http://www.robertoattanasio.com/ -
I didn't do very much at all, apart from one or two key changes - looking forward to doing more.
These are cool…
A new piece created using Digital Machine and Sine Waves Orchestra - two apps by Robert Attanasio http://www.robertoattanasio.com/ -
I didn't do very much at all, apart from one or two key changes - looking forward to doing more.
These are cool…