alexisfromtexas's listening history
Well now - this is a collaboration between myself and lady Jane. It's an odd tale about a prince and a water maiden, with a twist in the "tail".
Sounds quite 70's prog rock - hear it out for the twist.
"In a land far away, lived a prince…
My wife is slowly collaging the walls of our studio with random sayings and images from magazines, artwork, photography, album art ect... so I had the idea to pull all of my lyrics for this track from the walls.
What's my next…
UNKNOWN,arranged by Terry Brown
'their brains were small and they died'
When I sit in contemplation of the human situation
I often feel a certain sense of pride.
For our achievements are many and mighty
And the evidence cannot be denied.
But my…
Any resemblance to the Yiddish word Chutzpah is of the purest intent. With a doff of the hat to Sheldon Alan "Shel" Silverstein ...and Mad magazine for all of their influences. that indeed did rot my brain
Never take seriously what can be taken with alcohol.
just a weird instrumental with a metal guitar edge to it. basically played in 3 parts. I thought it held some interesting atmospheres here and there. ;)