Teddy Gould's listening history

Teddy Gould's avatar
I've done a lot of bad things in my time. But when I asked God to forgive me and became a child of God, all my sins were washed away. Now I'm a regenerated being having fun in the Lord, and not ever going back to my old way of life.
Teddy Gould's avatar
Many of us make a big show that we're so good at this or that, but behind closed doors we're something else. But who are we fooling? We're only fooling ourselves. God is watching us. We can't fool Him.
Teddy Gould's avatar
Beautiful words from the Bible. Taken from 1John chapter 4.
Teddy Gould's avatar
Sometimes we don't remember that the man walking next to us downtown is our brother. But when we find someone in difficulty whoever he or she may be, we must always remember that they are our brothers.
Teddy Gould's avatar
Many of us make a big show that we're so good at this or that, but behind closed doors we're something else. But who are we fooling? We're only fooling ourselves. God is watching us. We can't fool Him.
Teddy Gould's avatar
What a wonderful world it could be if we could all love one another. The main ingredient in this world "LOVE"
Teddy Gould's avatar
Sometimes we don't remember that the man walking next to us downtown is our brother. But when we find someone in difficulty whoever he or she may be, we must always remember that they are our brothers.
Teddy Gould's avatar
This is how I write a song(sometimes). I create a bit of music then I sing ad libbing. Once the recording is done then I listen to what I recorded and write down the words that I sang. Song done. Ha-Ha
Teddy Gould's avatar
What a wonderful world it could be if we could all love one another. The main ingredient in this world "LOVE"
Teddy Gould's avatar
Listen to the words, see if you hear my mistakes. I recorded this once and never bothered to correct it. I wonder why?