AMUC's listening history

AMUC's avatar
Title track from AMUC's 2013 RPM album. Probably the closest thing to a 'rock' track we've done this year. 5/11/13 - Uploaded a better mastered version of it. I've been fiddling with the mix over the course of a few weeks. 5/13/13…
AMUC's avatar
Instrumental track -- imagine if Tool gave up being rock stars to program video game music for the Super Nintendo console.
AMUC's avatar
More fun with samples. =) Freesound samples used: * 102159__ultrarob__candace-walla.mp3 * 17117__dcaudio__interior-walla-cafe-many-voices-mostly-female-faint-music.wav * 44931_digifishmusic_Solfege_Fa.wav * 44932_digifishmusic_Solfege_La…
AMUC's avatar
Brief intro from AMUC's RPM 2013 album. It was a pain to record, but the vocals sounded pretty good, so it was worth it.
AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC. It's technically "Tobias The Battery-Powered Hermit", but the field wasn't long enough. =)
AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC. Freesound sample used: 41751_digifishmusic_gaaaas.wav
AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC. Freesound Samples Used: 18451_zippi1_sound_singing4.wav
AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC. I was planning to write a love song, but .. it didn't quite come out that way. 3/11/12 - I re-recorded the first verse with better-sounding vocals. I'm leaving the version on the RPM Jukebox…
AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC. It started out as a tribute to the old sci-fi movie, "The Quiet Earth", and became something else. Freesound samples used: 42190__digifishmusic__siiiilence.wav 20765__radian__sorrysorry…
AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC.