AMUC's listening history
One of my favorite Monk tunes.
Updated 04.06.2017
Damn cold days and wintery nights
There's nothing green and living in sight
I'm bundled up and eatin my stew
Turnin up the heat to seventy two
Take the extra blanket for the cool morning
Keep that extra blanket for the whole day
Heard you lost your job last year, nothing else to do
I understand that it takes some time just being you
Sitting at home by yourself and feeling lonely
So you figured you'd come by doin' the same at mine
Feelin' Feelin' at home, sittin…
Backing Vocals: Olivia Winthrop. Acoustic Guitar: Steve Phillips
Im thinkin bout what I said
it popped right outa my head
howd it get itself in there?
catchin me unaware
It was only a minute ago
and the time begins to flow
the past…
My fuzz box is on the fritz
Right now it sounds like shit
I used to sound real good
now I kinda wish it would
Can’t figure out what is wrong
But I need it for this song
I go and rip the battery out
And I stick it in my mouth
Lead Vocals and Acoustic Guitar: Olivia Winthrop
The fields are plowed
the stones are drawn away
and the seeds are sown
under the light of day
We feed the ground
reaping our return
and the sun in the sky
will always brightly burn…