AMUC's listening history
Jane Doe recollects the night before, as fractured thoughts loop on the damaged neurological hardware.
Served as inspiration for "Livewire" from RPM 2009.
The morning after the accident. Machines are much easier to rebuild than people are.
One Freesound sample here:
One wonders what the source of fuel would be..
Complete crap. I had ten minutes to quickly record a track to meet the album in a day challenge. =)
I've been drifting in my head
After midnight I escape my bed
Misplaced compass I spin around
Shifting pictures they wisp and confound
My grandmother used to cook 'pastiche' for supper, which was basically all the leftovers that she wanted to use up. It all went in the pan.
The name seems applicable here, since I just kept throwing musical spaghetti at the ceiling until something…
wave my hands into the sky
bird perched then lurched
to a sparrow's cry
it defies my eyes
where does this sonar lie
the pings on strings
call like crumbs aligned
I try closing my eyes
the sound it still defies
its singing is bringing…
tv screens
so serene
on the inside
outside my window
festering $h!tshow
please let me in
let me live in syndication
Camera eye seems so serene
let me live inside the screen
Sample info:
* Voice is Sali from https://voicemaker…