AMUC's listening history

Letter Seventeen's avatar
A love song about the captain of a Canadian curling team. Yes, Valerie is a real person. Featuring Domino of The Jet-Black Project on bass.
Letter Seventeen's avatar
Sing along songs, even if you're too old. Featuring: Brent Kinder on bass Andy Samford on vocals, percussion, and lead guitar Bob Sorace on vocals and percussion and Grant even sang along!
AMUC's avatar
Her Low Budget Nightmare : Track 8. Rust, Rust Who Do You Trust? The One You Dread Will Turn To Dust? Or the one who bled That was dead, but got up?
AMUC's avatar
Her Low Budget Nightmare : Track 7. If you know the words, sing along! I am going to post the lyrics here. They are being tabulated by a computer now and coming out on punch cards.
AMUC's avatar
Her Low Budget Nightmare : Track 10. Er - um. With apologies to anybody old enough to accurately remember the Disco Era. Freesound Samples Used : 18882_zippi1_sound_singing11
AMUC's avatar
Her Low Budget Nightmare : Track 1. The mirror never lies, but sometimes you really wish it would learn to.
now's avatar
part four to be followed by and equally exciting part five :)
now's avatar
part three of these ship to shore things :)
now's avatar
part two of the four ships ashore ... part vsv :) something nice it is :===
now's avatar
from the work four ships ashore this is part X :) oh the album A032 ---