AMUC's listening history
playing my carvin dc800 guitar
and roland td30k v-drums
First attempt at trying out Ozone 5 for mastering.
Stuff used:
EZdrummer dfh
Superior Drummer 2.0
Amplitube 3 custom shop
Overloud TH2
A short acoustic improv in DGDGBD capo (III) across strings 2-6.
The second part of In Orbit, it puts a different 'spin' on the confrontation from the first part.
What if the opposing forces built themselves up instead of tearing themselves down? Perhaps that's the only way out of the infinite loop they've…
Getting kind of sci-fi here, and I really went overboard with the samples.
It's like if George Clinton and Arjen Lucassen collaborated on a funk electronica piece after watching The 13th Floor on nonstop repeat for three weeks.
I went a little sample crazy this year for the RPM challenge. (This song is the tip of the iceberg, and then it gets far worse.)
Thematically, I guess this one resulted from spending a month between the hospital and a rehab facility last year…
Instrumental track -- imagine if Tool gave up being rock stars to program video game music for the Super Nintendo console.
Brief intro from AMUC's RPM 2013 album. It was a pain to record, but the vocals sounded pretty good, so it was worth it.