AMUC's listening history
Hurtling towards oblivion thanks to a giant catapult owned by a foul-mouthed voodoo child, he sends a final lewd finger gesture back to the world he sought escape from.
Unbeknownst to him, Voodoo Boy may have a vested interest in using him…
The final version of this track:
When escaping events that are falling apart, be leery of strangers offering gifts - particularly when they look like something out of Children Of The Corn and they offer to lob you into orbit with a giant catapult…
A well of thoughts continues, but who is it dreaming in the white room? Midnight has drifted away, and we're headed towards the dawn of the next day.
Let The Neurons Go
Right Out Of One Void
And Into Another
blank stare
clean slate
brain dead
in a factory state
*Her departed voice
*barely audible
*static crackling
*I must try and defrag
*constant recalibration of
*the listening machine
(I sense a world of bits and bytes)
(Machine reverie hidden from our eyes)
(It's all there for…
You've been gone too long
I've been here before
some remnant condiment
behind the oven door
I shut the door so long ago
there's demon in the code
if I took the chance to let you out
the whole thing could implode
To make you go away…
seamless facade
an egg
birth arcade
So the sparrow does fly
then it leaves an arrow in the sky
(lost in the cold)
(lost in the code)
we're all browsers in a way
picture's fine in the daytime
but in the silence the charade it fades…
whisper your intentions
whisper not to be heard
whispers won't break the surface
inciting the crowd by your words
can't get through
this concrete veil
you lock truth out
can't accept what's
if I
now she's drifting
from where her reality ripped away
forever falling
listless abyss
leads her astray
on ever skyward
like a helium balloon
night travels dire
twisted Icarus of the moon
runaway soul
cloud cuckoo…
.. / .- -- / ... - .. .-.. .-.. / .... . .-. . / .... .. -.. .. -. --. / .-- .. - .... .. -. / .- / -- .- -.-. .... .. -. .
Samples :
Freesound (
* 169340_audiorichter_ahh-female-startled-surprised-various
* 169209_freeicecream12…