AMUC's listening history

JESMIAUS 's avatar
guitar/s and vocal recorded on my zoom mrs1608 and then brought into flstudio to add drum loops and tweak stuff. WILL I RAM 2012 WILLIRAM WILLIAM RAMSEY
broken pen's avatar
Emulated Amiga OctaMed (2009-2012)
broken pen's avatar
An electronic tune written using OctaMed emulated on a PC via WinUAE (2002-2003)
broken pen's avatar
A teenager song. (Early 1995)
AMUC's avatar
Spun around like a seer's needle A philosopher so lost in his riddle Tries to speak but no longer able Drifting in the deepest dream --- This one took me a while [years!] to complete - how did it come out? Freesound samples used…
AMUC's avatar
Spun around like a seer's needle A philosopher so lost in his riddle Tries to speak but no longer able Drifting in the deepest dream --- This one took me a while [years!] to complete - how did it come out? Freesound samples used…
AMUC's avatar
Spun around like a seer's needle A philosopher so lost in his riddle Tries to speak but no longer able Drifting in the deepest dream --- This one took me a while [years!] to complete - how did it come out? Freesound samples used…
thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg has just realised that he keep making the same mistakes with his relationships as he always has....the first song from the Newly built cellar.....Jim just had to jump o this one............ Hello pain my old friend it's so nice to see…
AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC. Freesound Samples Used: 18451_zippi1_sound_singing4.wav
AMUC's avatar
Spun around like a seer's needle A philosopher so lost in his riddle Tries to speak but no longer able Drifting in the deepest dream --- This one took me a while [years!] to complete - how did it come out? Freesound samples used…