AMUC's listening history
The shiny silver apparatus was most efficient at ferrying its passenger at extraordinary speeds to nowhere in particular worth going.
Freesound Samples :
* 277367__jumpel__time-hall
* 95544__vumanize__celia
* 346690__deleted_user_2104797__lift…
Let The Neurons Go
Right Out Of One Void
And Into Another
blank stare
clean slate
brain dead
in a factory state
Robot wants to go to heaven, but wasn't designed for cloud escalators. Robot begs the drones to take it up to the clouds, but St. Peter objects from his heavenly tollbooth.
time would like
to have a word
it waits out
in the rain
it's bleeded dry
time passes by
not doing anything
the time has come
SOME will be done
day after seamless day
time and again
no start no end
the time it wastes away…
Whatever twisted fate befell those contaminated by the orange mutagen, they began to wriggle, writhe, and squirm their way from the subway, swamps, and sewers, to spread their glowing cheer.
Freesound Samples Used :
biding his time
when the worlds might rewind
re-season the plan
increasing command
trying his damndest
not to f--- it up again
he says hey Lady Luck
can you let me win this one
I bet you're having fun
watching me fumble and forever…
Two Freesound sample used here that's worth noting:
* 97189 epanody_samplescene2
* 18450_zippi1_sound_singing3
This RPM Challenge album had a bit of a ying-yang vibe to it. Compare "Marbles" to "Constellations" and "Fisher In The Sky" to "Tied By The Lies".
This wasn't planned - it just sort of happened.
"In a reformatted world with deleted people, there are still enough dead links that some individuals might indirectly be aware of the existence of those deleted. To everybody else, they'd seem either spiritual and/or mentally imbalanced…
Part of The Kitchen Sink, AMUC's RPM 2012 album.
If you like what you hear, you can also find the entire Kitchen Sink album as a playlist, with everything in the correct order.