AMUC's listening history
August 24 hour challenge..
Started out as a parody track, but gradually got more and more demented..
August 24 hour challenge..
Irving Finkelstein wanted to rap, but the 1 BPM tempo was just too much for him.
August 24 hour challenge..
Full name is Ray Bradbury's Cursed Bionic Orchestra, but it wouldn't fit.
Lone improvised track (musically) during the session. Listen with headphones for best results.
August 24 hour challenge..
It was really humid when I wrote this one.
August 24 hour challenge..
Pretty cohesive tail for a 57 second track.
[Compare to "Firecracker" recorded for RPM 2010. This was the initial kernel that led to that track.]
August 24 hour challenge..
This was the first track written in the early morning hours.
This is a redo of "I've Made Myself A Wall", from the 2009 24 hour challenge on Alonetone.
I thought the original version was a little bland, so I wanted to take a stab at breathing some fresh life into it.
For my last RPM Challenge album…
diverging tributaries
an island sanctuary
safe from the stream
stone somber non-dream
she attempts to read the telemetry
of this vast temporal sea
An island of clocks tied in knots
Pause prison for those that time forgot
flotsam and jetsam
tossed ephemera
unanswerable question
entropic enigma
She Crept Through The Lost And Found
Seeking Pieces Of Her Thoughts And Dreams
Unaware That The World Around
Still Flowed Past As A Slow-Moving Stream
time is…
Sample info :
Librivox Audio Recording
Book : She
Author : H Rider Haggard
Chapter 21 : The Dead And The Living Meet
Sample was passed through the EVPMaker application.