AMUC's listening history

Newbold's avatar
I made videos with about 24 tapes well 12 two sided tapes.. this particular one is most excellent.. I offer this as something from this set of the 24 sides of tapes I video taped the digitizing of.…
Shed Sounds's avatar
This started life as a vey simple 'disco' bass riff over which I then brought in the chords. Its got a sort of 80s pop/prog thing going on - not surprising as I'd been listening to a lot of Nik Kershaw when I recorded it!
vaisvil's avatar
Antoinette plays keys, Anonymous plays drums, Evan is guitar left, Chris is guitar right (sorry I was a jerk and too loud) - This dates from 1977 when I was a classical major and Antoinette a piano major. Even though this improvisation was from…
Shed Sounds's avatar
Millions of years ago... Before the dawn of history... I was a in a school band. I couldn't play an instrument then so I was the vocalist. This tune was one of the band's originals. Now, bear in mind this was the 'Ay-deees' so it was mullets…
AMUC's avatar
A well of thoughts continues, but who is it dreaming in the white room? Midnight has drifted away, and we're headed towards the dawn of the next day.
AMUC's avatar
Alternate name: The Post-Mortem Pitchman We live in an age nowadays where a celebrity can endorse a product or service long after they meet with the proverbial reaper. Has anybody bothered to ask the dead guy if he wants to endorse half…
AMUC's avatar
cast aside the scenes you see I'll help you find your voice the future's fast as Doppler blurs but there always was a choice No Air Support The Sun Is Low Up In The Skies It Refused To Grow beware the talking screens they persist but…
AMUC's avatar
Amidst the Irish country side, a drunken chap encounters wee folk, but not the sort he was expecting. Lyrics just a recycled tale from the days of old when many a drunk irishman looked for his pot of gold gallavanting wassling through…
witzelsucht's avatar
AMUC's avatar
When magic and technology cross paths, all heck will break loose. Lyrics I can't help believing that this course she can't stop weaving a part of her deceiving herself that this is right She focuses fate her intentions transferred…