10 tracks by Asymptotic Taste

Asymptotic Taste's avatar
This used the grain delay in Guitar Rig to get the shimmery sound in the background. Otherwise I don't remember what the actual improvisation thread was.
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Asymptotic Taste's avatar
The improvisation concept behind this was to only change one note at a time out of a group of three, slowly morphing the tune, except for a couple times that I forgot what I was doing.
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Asymptotic Taste's avatar
This one was improvised based on mostly playing harmonics 12 frets above the fretted note.
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Asymptotic Taste's avatar
Improvisation very (VERY) loosely based on the chord progression for jazz tune "Move."
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Asymptotic Taste's avatar
Improvisation based on the "Hendrix chord" (7#9)
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Asymptotic Taste's avatar
Improvisation based on a chord progression of root-5-9 chords
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Asymptotic Taste's avatar
Don't remember what the improvisation seed was for this one... more of a "Let's do another Asymptotic Taste album, shall we?"
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Asymptotic Taste's avatar
Don't remember the improvisation seed for this one either.
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Asymptotic Taste's avatar
Roughly (/poorly?) improvised solo blues?
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Asymptotic Taste's avatar
Improvisation based very loosely on the chord progression for "Four On Six."
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