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Hit Song

Attila Kovacs

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Hit Song

Take a boy
Take a girl
Take a rythm
It’s a pearl
You’ve got a hit song
For humming all aday
Take the moon
Take the sun
Take some loving
And it’s done
You’ve got a hit song
To make you go along
They play it on the radio
They play it at the dances
You get a lot of money
For heartbrakes and romances

Take a band
Take a beat
Take some gimmick
Tap your feet
You’ve got a hitsong
For strumming all day long

They play it on the radio
They play it at the dances
You get a lot of money
For heartbrakes and romances
Take a boy…..
© Music by Attila Kovacs, lyrics by Jørgen Sjøstedt - Lars E. Carlsson

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