badjuju's listening history

badjuju's avatar
I was asked to write a theme for a warehouse level of a game that some friends of mine are making.
badjuju's avatar
I wrote this piece about a year ago for a contest held by the local town band. I didn't end up submitting it.
badjuju's avatar
I wrote this directly in fl studios, instead of writing out the notation, converting it into midi, and running it through fl.
badjuju's avatar
I wrote this directly in fl studios, instead of writing out the notation, converting it into midi, and running it through fl.
badjuju's avatar
I wrote this directly in fl studios, instead of writing out the notation, converting it into midi, and running it through fl.
badjuju's avatar
I'll try to fix some of the audio problems I wrote this about a year ago, and put a lot of time into it. A lot of time a year ago is a lot different than a lot of time now when it comes to my compositions, but I'm still pretty impressed by…
badjuju's avatar
I was asked to write a theme for a warehouse level of a game that some friends of mine are making.
badjuju's avatar
I wrote this directly in fl studios, instead of writing out the notation, converting it into midi, and running it through fl.
badjuju's avatar
I decided to try a speed run, something I've been doing a lot of recently. I wrote this in under 24 hours. It is for a full symphonic orchestra. Pretty impressive, eh?
badjuju's avatar
A friend of mine discovered the program that I am currently using to make the finished mp3 product. I was so excited that I wrote him his own theme song to thank him.