Blythm & Ruse's listening history

Noswonky's avatar
A track from my RPM 2011 album 'Glass Wall'.
Noswonky's avatar
A track from my RPM 2011 album 'Glass Wall'. I just whipped this up in Garage Band using a loop called 'Exotic Sarod' for the main melodic theme (hence the title). The Sarod is an Indian stringed instrument. 'Sarod' means 'beautiful sound' in…
Noswonky's avatar
A track from my RPM 2011 album 'Glass Wall'. It was created entirely on my iPad using a DAW app called 'Music Studio'. The title comes from a line in the song 'Bodhisattva' by Steely Dan: "Can you show me the shine of your japan, the sparkle…