Tom's listening history

JR James's avatar
Thru this together this morning. A lil Jimi tribute before I change these strings.
thetworegs's avatar
It started again tonight....the haunting of Big E ....he wouldn't leave me alone until i played him this one.....i said to him...i said "now Elvis i'm not quite the guitar man yet but give me time ....20 years or so"...He said don't give me no…
hhoulding's avatar
A cover of bad dream by keane always loved this song
kavin.'s avatar
What with all the great Zep covers posted by Tworegs and Chris Vaisvil, here's mine, I enlisted the vocal of the man himself, thanks Reg! Also note my new fretless strat as second guitar here.
Maryland Mansion's avatar
A demo of a chorus for a song I'm writing. I use a computer program named TuxGuitar to plan out and write my music before I fully transcribe the song to real-world instruments. The song is named Burgundy 6 and it is written (so far) in a 7/4 time…
Maryland Mansion's avatar
Full demo song made in TuxGuitar, still waiting to transcribe to real world instruments. Please provide feedback.
brianclark's avatar
Just some Blues all first takes all fun by BC
inge's avatar
This is a beautiful song from Joni Mitchell. My friend had his 50th birthday and this was my gift, I played it live at his party and recorded it later (4-2-2011)in my livingroom. It's one take, can't mis that if you listen to it all the way…
plastikstar's avatar
I had a nightmare.
plastikstar's avatar
The grand piano, my friend. I'm clumsy.