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Steven Douglas Baughman

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Dedicated to that surfer dude who turned me on to Roxy Music. I don’t know if they let him surf at San Onofre or even if the waves were any good. And that other surfer dude who taught me how to play handball, the only sport I was ever even remotely capable of playing.

I wanted to dedicate this to my best friend from Victor Valley High School, Tomás Edgardva Rèes (Tom Rees). Mucho pot, mucho mucho acid, mucho mucho mucho drumming and strumming, too mucho jazz fusion. His father thought he took too mucho drogas so he sent Tom to live with his brother in Wichita. His brother was a junkie, and so Tom became one and hanged himself less than a year later.

Victorville has no nuclear power plants.
