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Mara Hope


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My life is at a standstill
There’s nothing happening but it feels like
Everything is falling apart

Unhappiness, sometimes a little euphoria
And then just emptiness
This several times a day
Every day

Every day it’s same
Every day seems the same day
This constant need
To feel something

When you suffer multiples losses in your life
After a while, loss is just a normal thing
Even if you still wonder why
Even if you still feeling lonely
Even if you still feel longing

Every time it’s same
Every day seems the same day
The constant need
To feel something
Even if i’ts the dark silence of death

Loss of love, loss of family
Loss of friendships, loss of innocence
Loss of strength, loss of will to continue living
Loss of faith, loss of hope
Loss of dreams, loss of desire
Loss of will to continue breathing

Is my balcony high enough?
