Colleen Dillon's listening history

skiks/bruce hamilton's avatar
mashup for Sound-In 8/22 feat. Paul Muller, Paul Mimlitsch and Roger Sundstrom
Johnny Stone's avatar
Bits and Pieces
Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote the lyrics and melody to this song a week or so ago when I was feeling that unsettling disconnected feeling we all get from time to time when we're missing the people we love.... Then I gave myself the challenge to try a few things with…
Greg Connor's avatar
Inspired by a couple of recent road trips.
Permanent Tourist's avatar
Still smokin . . .
4barrelcarb (4BC)'s avatar
Hip Hop experimental
Richard Hardrick's avatar
Silence in the air further cold Breathing again. Nobody can see into my old feeling. No, no one can take this moment No, no one can change what I think now I am free I could open my eyes again Silence in the rain further cold bBreathing…
simpledhel14's avatar
Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote the lyrics and melody to this song a week or so ago when I was feeling that unsettling disconnected feeling we all get from time to time when we're missing the people we love.... Then I gave myself the challenge to try a few things with…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
This is my first upload. I mostly have a vocal here. It's a song that I'd love to get some collaboration on from the guitarists in the community. Let me know what you think?