Four and Twenty Blackbirds's listening history

Four and Twenty Blackbirds's avatar
"dress of grey" translation: there is a field there, earth and river - earth and rivers far away from everyone. im between the trees, watching you always, dancing in the mud and swimming in its depths. far far from every watching…
Four and Twenty Blackbirds's avatar
got some wine, spilled some soul.
Four and Twenty Blackbirds's avatar
kinda frightened rabbit bright eyes inpired. threw it together. my friend ran over my computer so i have to record this on whatever computer i can get at the time, so its not dont all that great, took about a n hour..
Four and Twenty Blackbirds's avatar
late night, impromptu, its like emotional diarrhea.
justmerritt's avatar
this was the first electronic song that i wrote. i enjoy the overlapping drum beats.
justmerritt's avatar
another rap song which Young Reaper aka ashley brown calls his "gospel rap" i made a really happy beat to it... i think the chorus is really catchy... gets stuck in my head haha...
justmerritt's avatar
My neighbor is a rapper... i have been experimenting a bit with garageband electronic stuff... so we collaborated. this song won him a rap competition in Englewood South Chicago... tell me what you think!
glu's avatar
a beautiful thought during a dark hour. nylon acoustic, electric piano, electric guitar with bow
glu's avatar
a beautiful thought during a dark hour. nylon acoustic, electric piano, electric guitar with bow
glu's avatar
a beautiful thought during a dark hour. nylon acoustic, electric piano, electric guitar with bow