charleswalker28's listening history

charleswalker28's avatar
This is a nice T Bone Walker shuffle feel. This song, like all our albums, feature Rob Waters from the Lonnie Brooks Band.
charleswalker28's avatar
I wanted to write a tradional blues with just accoustic guitar and so here it is. I think most people have that one person they wish they wouldn't of left or would of asked out. I know I do.
charleswalker28's avatar
This has got that southern blues thing going on.
charleswalker28's avatar
This is the title track of this album. I wrote it about a girlfriend my friend had at the time. She was a bit of a gold digger. This is a shuffle with a Luther Allison feel.
charleswalker28's avatar
This is a John Lee Hooker feel that we just jammed on in the studio. I don't really like Gritz that much but the name seemed to fit.
charleswalker28's avatar
This song was written by the bass player and is a massage for the ears. This has a jazz/blues feel.
charleswalker28's avatar
This is a Texas shuffle.
charleswalker28's avatar
This song has a rock element and a latin jam at the end.
charleswalker28's avatar
This is the first version of the song we recorded with our original singer.
charleswalker28's avatar
I wrote this for a friend of mine and every word is true. You should meet her.