78 tracks by chrooke
Finally, the ship is repaired and we resume our cruise through the cosmos. It was an adventure of a lifetime!
In the distance, we can see the robots at work, and wouldn't you know, some of them are partying, too!
The cruise company puts down for an unscheduled layover on a blissful alien beach and we relax while robots fix the ship.
But then something goes wrong with the drive system! With a series of alarming noises, we drop out of hyperspace and drift for a bit while the crew checks out the system.
We break through into hyperspace and enjoy the ambient vibe.
We start out by boarding in Starlight Terminal 17D, where we board our starship cruiser and accelerate toward light speed.
I'll leave it to the listener to decide if it's more of a bonus to listen to this track or skip it. This is more of the didgeridoo/Otamatone/Stylophone session.
©2024 by Geekido Music (Chris Cooke). All rights reserved. Recorded for the 2024…
I was hoping for more background noise, to be honest. I even went out and recorded just some background noise to mix it in. This is the epitome of "phoning it in".
©2024 by Geekido Music (Chris Cooke). All rights reserved. Recorded for the…
The title pretty much says it all. I recently got a Theremini, and this is me trying to figure it out.
©2024 by Geekido Music (Chris Cooke). All rights reserved. Recorded for the 2024 RPM Challenge.
Ok, not really a djembe, just a plate, but I needed the alliteration for the song title.
©2024 by Geekido Music (Chris Cooke). All rights reserved. Recorded for the 2024 RPM Challenge.
This is me and two friends goofing around a campfire with a travel didgeridoo, Otamatone, and Stylophone.
©2024 by Geekido Music (Chris Cooke). All rights reserved. Recorded for the 2024 RPM Challenge.
This is an excerpt from my 2023 RPM Challenge album, where I hit all four types of submission (Single Track, EP, LP, and Boxed Set) with a single, almost 102 minute track. For the full piece go to http://geekidomusic.com.
And if you actually…