coelocanth's listening history
rides are put away freedom is a diversion of time. hope for the faith of the ages and what you want more..dig it between here and there. yes that was me spazing on the keyboards
rides are put away freedom is a diversion of time. hope for the faith of the ages and what you want more..dig it between here and there. yes that was me spazing on the keyboards
A mashup with
Roger Sundström Bouzouki,Soundscapes, Mix
CJ Patterson (New Classical)
James Bailey (Kukulkan)
Benjamin Smith (Ben.improv.Oct.21.2013)
Paul H. Muller (Pleiades Five)
Eric Gross (A Little Late)
Chris Vaisvil (KOMA 702 AM)
for Sound…
rides are put away freedom is a diversion of time. hope for the faith of the ages and what you want more..dig it between here and there. yes that was me spazing on the keyboards
Revolt or Revolution?
©2013 Credence Found ASCAP
We live in perilous times,
Politicians never pay for their crimes,
All we do is give them power
but this our Hour!
Revolt or Revolution?
Safety is always an illusion.
Revolt or Revolution…
rides are put away freedom is a diversion of time. hope for the faith of the ages and what you want more..dig it between here and there. yes that was me spazing on the keyboards
A poem set to music.
Dissident in the Garden of Love
©2013 Credence Found ASCAP
I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen;
A solemn broken tree in the midst,
Where there used to be green.
I saw the garden…