Dirty Spirits's listening history
"Begin Again" by Wilson Ng, written and recorded in February 2022 for the RPM Challenge.
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2022**
Song number 11
Written Thursday 17th February 2022
Feels like I'm on the last lap now. Only 3 more needed.
This one came from a suggestion from Mrs R this morning. I didn't quite fancy it, but…
Song 9# for my RPM 2022. I don't know how it happened, but I ended up with a bit of an alternative quasi-delta blues here. I walk a lot of country roads at night so..... The harmonies were fun. Thanks to anyone who listens! Onward…
Well...This is song #10 for my 2022 RPM challenge- the final track for my "album". It's a bit like two songs that found each other somehow. That makes for a very long track! eek. Thank you to everyone who has been listening to my songs...it…
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2022**
Song number 12
Written Friday 18th February 2022
I had NOTHING. I decided to rest today with so much time left and only 3 to do.
I had this title, but no... must... rest
However, Madame La…
The first new composition since being back in the UK; heavily chorused Precision fitted with flat wound strings gives it a nice retro feel along with a Roland Jupiter 8 synthesiser plug-in
I wanted to add vocals but am suffering with a heavy cold!
So... I entered RPM 2022 and experienced a double-whammy - A massive influx of work and a prolonged period of absolutely no inspiration or creativity! So this is only the second track of a project that's now likely to be an EP rather than an album…