JESMIAUS 's listening history

uthemandi's avatar
Don't look if your going to feel guilty........
uthemandi's avatar
so get going ..........
Wizard of Drams's avatar
UTHEMANDI's vocal track by TheTwoReg's, choice of song "BE WHAT YOU WANNA BE", choice of drums, the drums from wizard of drams "SHOTS", stretched slower, along with only the best Spanish loops added. It's only missing the Chorizo.
AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC. I was planning to write a love song, but .. it didn't quite come out that way. 3/11/12 - I re-recorded the first verse with better-sounding vocals. I'm leaving the version on the RPM Jukebox…
AMUC's avatar
Part of The Kitchen Sink, AMUC's RPM 2012 album. If you like what you hear, you can also find the entire Kitchen Sink album as a playlist, with everything in the correct order.
AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC. Not sure what genre this would fit into: Experimental Corporate Gothic Steampunk Electro-folk? (Although, I guess the 'experimental' is sort of implied by the rest of the name.)
JESMIAUS 's avatar
Thanks to Wrinkled Shirt for providing the sick guitar/s and drum track backing track that I brought into my zoom mrs1608 all-in-one multi-track recorder to add vocals lyrics came instantly after about 10 minutes of rambling into the mic…
joliejulia06's avatar
A Shipibo welcoming song for ceremony.
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
Thought I'd put some lyrics to it and this is what came out ...
JESMIAUS 's avatar
guitar/s and vocal recorded on my zoom mrs1608 and then brought into flstudio to add drum loops and tweak stuff. WILL I RAM 2012 WILLIRAM WILLIAM RAMSEY