JESMIAUS 's listening history

JESMIAUS 's avatar
I'm redoing this one even though I just re did it. With more content and absolutely redoing the vocals. Didn't like how they turned out as much as I wanted them too.
JESMIAUS 's avatar
I walk 13 miles of barbwire just to sing my song I walk 13 miles of barbwire just to sing my song I walk 13 miles of barbwire just to sing my song I walk 65 miles all along I walk 13 miles of barbwire just to sing my song I walk 65 miles…
JESMIAUS 's avatar
track six from "Wills Desensitized" 2015
JESMIAUS 's avatar
back in 2013 I wrote this song for The Solutionists about two canidates running for something that would go neck and neck ruthlessly for what they were running for. The track was called "eVilansidoubt". Now in 2018 for my failed rpm album I re…
JESMIAUS 's avatar
live jam with daniel brouse on small drum kit & john hunt added improv keyboards on the spot to the set this one doesn't quite have a title, yet. I've fooled around with ideas but nothing substantial.
JESMIAUS 's avatar
back from a little hiatus with "Moons Away" originally written by William Ramsey (Will I Ram) for another solo/collaboration project - Goada Bull. this is my remix version with my vocals on the track this time. Lyrics : "I can…
JESMIAUS 's avatar
jammed live at kingarthur dot com studio then I did the over dubs of other guitar tracks, synth and a kick drum
JESMIAUS 's avatar
originally recorded live at king arthur dot com studio in 2018 I overdubbed other instrumentation, etc
JESMIAUS 's avatar
took "microphone white noise" and pitched with a de-hum inside of Acoustica 7 Premium Edition based it around that for meditation purposes ;)
JESMIAUS 's avatar
overdubbery! bring me another overdubbery!