29 tracks by dannycampbell

dannycampbell's avatar
Another masterpiece from the classic Eugene powerhouse of the 90's, Prozac. I had completely forgotten that I sang this song. Kind of embarrassing but fun, whatever. Apparently I used the Morley wah pedal on all of these songs. I think this…
dannycampbell's avatar
These 6 songs are from Scott Anderson in Portland and very much reflect his amazing and unique style and personality.
dannycampbell's avatar
I am pretty sure this is a version of (Don't Do Me) Any Favors by Ellen Ferwerda (from Minnesota), written when she and Scott and I lived in Eugene in the early 90's. It has lyrics but you will have to imagine what those would be like.
dannycampbell's avatar
These 6 songs are from Scott Anderson in Portland and very much reflect his amazing and unique style and personality.
dannycampbell's avatar
These 6 songs are from Scott Anderson in Portland and very much reflect his amazing and unique style and personality.
dannycampbell's avatar
These 6 songs are from Scott Anderson in Portland and very much reflect his amazing and unique style and personality.
dannycampbell's avatar
These 6 songs are from Scott Anderson in Portland and very much reflect his amazing and unique style and personality. I'm not sure if they are 4-track recordings or Audacity recordings.
dannycampbell's avatar
I recorded this for Xmas 2005 with a cheap microphone on my PC using Audacity (free multitrack editor), with my nylon string guitar and some spoons and bells and stuff.
dannycampbell's avatar
Now I don't know which song is Rotten Log. Probably the other one. Thanks anonymous commenter :). This is not from Prozac's one multitrack recording session as I had originally thought. What sounds like overdubbed guitars is simply psychic…