17 tracks by dead dog dreaming
So called because most of the percussion originates from the body (voice, finger clicks or just slapping and thumping my body.)
A story I made up to explain some of my dog's behaviour.
A track for a relaxation CD that evolved into something just a little different.
Thanks to Sue Yencken for her lovely voice.
Love is a slippery beast.
Just when you think you've got a firm hold of it, it squirts out of your hands like a piece of wet soap and ends up somewhere in India on a spiritual quest for an obscure guru.
Nothing to do with Wiccans. I can't remember why I called it 'Pentangle' - probably the first word that entered my head when it came time to save. I like to go with whatever bubbles up from the subconscious.
In memory of my dog, Pablo, who died a few years ago (no, he's not the dog in the photo - although he's buried not far from where I found that skeleton).
The sound of a creaking door closing very, very slowly.
The flutey sounds are actually the sound of a damp sponge wiped up the neck of a guitar, sampled and played back on a keyboard.
Some real guitar appears towards the end of this piece.
Please note: No seven year old child was hurt during the making of this piece of music.
If only!
Thanks to all those helped with this song.
The sort of music that enters your head when you're lying awake in bed at 2am in the morning.