54 tracks by Discount Deity

Discount Deity's avatar
Not really a "Fun in the sun" Beach song. More like a Beach at midnight. Still, there is a pretty big Beach Boys influence here, I think. The backing vocals were staggered to sound like waves breaking on the beach. Not 100% sure it worked…
Discount Deity's avatar
I don't write love songs very often. Because I'm not good at them. I liked the sort of bittersweet quality of this tune, though. If the RPM deadline had left me more time, I probably would have added a quick ascending bass line right before…
Discount Deity's avatar
The title is borrowed from a line from an old Simpsons episode, but there is no other lyrical connection, it's just a quickly-written ditty about the excitement that accompanied my first RPM. I hope to eventually do a full band arrangement of this.
Discount Deity's avatar
Kind of a Neil Young impression, I guess. You know what's ironic? I think this was the only song on the album I didn't use a metronome to record.
Discount Deity's avatar
I'm not one to toot my own horn, but I think I did a good job of summoning up a mellow, trippy atmosphere with a relatively minimalist arrangement (acoustic guitar, two pianos, lead vocal, and a guitar solo).
Discount Deity's avatar
I'm not the best singer. In fact, I'm probably a contender for the WORST singer. But I'm also a huge Beach Boys fan, so I will sometimes do ambitious vocal arrangements like this. I didn't notice the chorus' resemblance to Ben Folds Five's…
Discount Deity's avatar
Last piece recorded for RPM. On the last day. Mostly improvised. The inspiration of last-minute panic. Pretty much how I got through college. Until I dropped out. Hey, don't judge me. I'm back in school now. Gonna get my CPA. Accounting…
Discount Deity's avatar
I wrote, recorded, and mixed this in about an hour on the last day of the Challenge. It's a really basic chord progression (I think...I can't actually remember it. Something something D minor something something F something?), but I still like…
Discount Deity's avatar
I was consciously trying to do minimalist arrangements on this album. I suppose I must have felt that two guitars and a bass were necessary here. The backing vocals came out pretty good on this one. And there's some nifty bass on verse 2.
Discount Deity's avatar
I'm not gonna lie to you: this isn't one of my best. It's RPM. It happens. Try listening to "Beach". I think that one's pretty cool.
Discount Deity's avatar
I think this is the most recently-written song on the album.
Discount Deity's avatar
A nice cheery dirge for you all. Do not listen while operating heavy machinery.
Discount Deity's avatar
This might be my current favorite track on the album. The weird solo on the end was made by improvising two (lousy) guitar solos with weird effects over the fade out, reversing them both in their entirety, then re-reversing selected fragments…
Discount Deity's avatar
Originally conceived as a hypothetical dialog between Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Harry Houdini. Then mutated into, y'know, a pop song.
Discount Deity's avatar
The duel guitars were inspired by a song from Jesus Christ Superstar. I think the first one Pilate sings. No words because I didn't need them and I recorded this before I had a decent microphone.
Discount Deity's avatar
Molly is an actual person. But I've never met her and you've never heard of her. So rather than dwelling on that, let's just enjoy the pleasant folk pop ditty. Unusually, I wrote most of this melody before I picked up a guitar and found the…
Discount Deity's avatar
I think I wrote the music for this in, like, 2002. Then tweaked it bit by bit until I got around to finishing it in 2009 or so.
Discount Deity's avatar
Straight forward pop rock. I like the chord progression on the chorus.
Discount Deity's avatar
Hmmm. Guess I never got around to programming drums for this one.
Discount Deity's avatar
Just a brief coda to the album. The guitar is in an open tuning (Open D or open G, I forget which) and the percussion is just me slapping my lap.