Uncle's listening history

Uncle's avatar
If you're a Lou Reed fan, you may like this. As I developed the melody, I just cracked up about how my sound came out! I decided not to fight it... It's still very rough. I'll return to this one, when I get some time. But most will understand…
Uncle's avatar
Came up with this after a long spell of work and tight schedules. Enjoy, Doug
Uncle's avatar
An antique progression and a bit of thought... Thanks for the listen! Doug
Uncle's avatar
Just about going crazy these days! Mental health day... this has elements from an earlier tune of mine... Thanks for stopping by. Doug
Uncle's avatar
If you're a Lou Reed fan, you may like this. As I developed the melody, I just cracked up about how my sound came out! I decided not to fight it... It's still very rough. I'll return to this one, when I get some time. But most will understand…
Uncle's avatar
If you're a Lou Reed fan, you may like this. As I developed the melody, I just cracked up about how my sound came out! I decided not to fight it... It's still very rough. I'll return to this one, when I get some time. But most will understand…
Uncle's avatar
Just about going crazy these days! Mental health day... this has elements from an earlier tune of mine... Thanks for stopping by. Doug
Uncle's avatar
An antique progression and a bit of thought... Thanks for the listen! Doug
Uncle's avatar
Came up with this after a long spell of work and tight schedules. Enjoy, Doug
Uncle's avatar
If you're a Lou Reed fan, you may like this. As I developed the melody, I just cracked up about how my sound came out! I decided not to fight it... It's still very rough. I'll return to this one, when I get some time. But most will understand…