Lalo Oceja's listening history

etsiegel's avatar
a few weeks later...solo piano
glu's avatar
instrumentation: synthesizers, nylon acoustic, electric guitar + violin bow, tabla, voice
glu's avatar
A downbeat ditty written and recorded in sixty continuos minutes. I actually have plans for this one, so stay tuned for revisions in the near future.
glu's avatar
I wrote this short woodwind motif at the time MJ died yesterday. The King played a major influence on some of my more dance-oriented music, so this is my ode to the king.
glu's avatar
unable to concentrate on work so I had a short music session/creative brainstorm/ emotional fleshing.
glu's avatar
A morning storm recorded in the courtyard and a musical motif written in the evening. combined time working-- 45 minutes, interrupted by a phone call from the parents to see if I was still alive.
glu's avatar
the DANCEBOT! disclaimer
glu's avatar
Apparently I wrote this three years ago, well, August '06. I just found it. It picks up after a minute or so...
glu's avatar
![a photo]( MMi's Voices MMi wrote the song. I programmed percussion, recorded tabla and vocals.
glu's avatar
brainstorming. voice belongs to Sister Savage. I hijacked it from some audio notes she sent for a song we are working on. The guitars and percussion were written and recorded in an hour. They replaced a previous musical section that I spent…