esaevian's listening history

esaevian's avatar
Small loop made on the Chompi, while still learning the thing
esaevian's avatar
Another small loop made on the Chompi, while still learning the thing, specifically going for a lo-fi vibe.
esaevian's avatar
This is the result of me following an FL Studio tutorial: I had self-taught myself from FL Studio a little under 20 years ago, so I had some rust to shake off. The cool part is that this is the first…
esaevian's avatar
Another high school track, specifically made to a) play with verse/chorus structure (though I wasn't recording lyrics) and b) to play with the vocoder.
esaevian's avatar
It's the last day of 2023, and I have this new pink box called a Chompi ( I wanted to make something somewhat formless to get away from rigid "rules" I usually follow when futzing on the piano. Additionally, I thought…
esaevian's avatar
Small loop made on the Chompi, while still learning the thing
esaevian's avatar
Another small loop made on the Chompi, while still learning the thing, specifically going for a lo-fi vibe.
esaevian's avatar
This is the result of me following an FL Studio tutorial: I had self-taught myself from FL Studio a little under 20 years ago, so I had some rust to shake off. The cool part is that this is the first…
esaevian's avatar
Another track made in high school, this is a "remix" (in as much as I know how to really remix thing) of the first movement of the Moonlight Sonata, with the speed and urgency of the 3rd movement, and maybe perhaps a fraction of the grace. It…
wilsun's avatar
“Celeste” was written, recorded, and mixed in December 2023, an instrumental based on a submission to the Drone Orchestra's December 2023 REM Challenge entry (via RPM Challenge). “Celeste” composed by W. Ng, in key of C-major.