etsiegel's listening history

etsiegel's avatar
solo jazz piano, recorded on a zoom h4
monopoli's avatar
Another one without lyrics. The title was my workingtitle. And I just thought it was a funny title (I think Rage Against the Machine is kind of silly) I quite like some of the sounds on this one (it's a Poly 800 through an Electro Harmonix Big…
monopoli's avatar
1.Afsluitdijk a Dutch word and it's the name of the dam/road going from the province Friesland to North-Holland (and Amsterdam) The lyrics are about a 15-year old boy who feels so trapped in the boring Frisian town he's living in that he…
mmi's avatar
Had the opportunity to play with sandbags' fabulous Reichatron. This is what happened.
mmi's avatar
A little something that came out of playing with the Max4Live content. The guitar sound, which I'm particularly happy with is a combination of my GT-10, CamelSpace and the M4L buffer shuffler.
etsiegel's avatar
solo jazz piano, recorded on a zoom h4
etsiegel's avatar
Sequenced in the mid-late 80's mastered onto vhs hi-fi, pardon the artifacts
etsiegel's avatar
Sequenced in the mid-late 80's mastered onto vhs hi-fi, pardon the artifacts
etsiegel's avatar
Sequenced in the mid-late 80's mastered onto vhs hi-fi, pardon the artifacts
etsiegel's avatar
Sequenced in the mid-late 80's mastered onto vhs hi-fi, pardon the artifacts