هذه الموسيقى ليست جيدة جدا. أنا أتمنى أن تتوقف.
كنت متزوجا لخنزير
انت تجعلني حزين.
أنا لا أحب الموسيقى الخاصة بك.
الموسيقى هي سيئة للغاية.
I love you...or at least I will after you kill yourself. Let's find out.
You are a dick. Thanks for polluting the world with your shit.
There is a lot of things that make me happy to be alive. Your shitty music is not one of them. Be sure you don't spawn, shit-stain.
Your music reminds me of the sound a horse shit makes when it hits the ground. You are a RETARD.
Your dick is very small and smells like pepperoni.
Wow! You suck!(
Your mother is a pig, and you had sex with her.
Fuck you and your mother.
Truly rotten.
really bad
this is shit
you suck
Fuck you. Go kill yourself.
Comments on fouad's stuff
هذه الموسيقى ليست جيدة جدا. أنا أتمنى أن تتوقف.
كنت متزوجا لخنزير
انت تجعلني حزين.
أنا لا أحب الموسيقى الخاصة بك.
الموسيقى هي سيئة للغاية.
I love you...or at least I will after you kill yourself. Let's find out.
You are a dick. Thanks for polluting the world with your shit.
There is a lot of things that make me happy to be alive. Your shitty music is not one of them. Be sure you don't spawn, shit-stain.
Your music reminds me of the sound a horse shit makes when it hits the ground. You are a RETARD.
Your dick is very small and smells like pepperoni.
Wow! You suck!(
Your mother is a pig, and you had sex with her.
Fuck you and your mother.
Truly rotten.
really bad
this is shit
you suck
Fuck you. Go kill yourself.
Comments made by fouad