Gem's listening history
this is a Lux Divon "classic"
[right click on arrow and select 'save link as' to download]
Doctor P. the The Doctor of Philanthropy. At least in the realignment of belief structure and philosophy. or something like that
[right click on arrow and select 'save link as' to download]
Opening track from the album Blue Robot Red.
All songs on the album are based around sounds taken from old circuit bent toys.
This track is off of the third CD. This title reflects the history behind the track. A close friend once stated to me that my playing style doesn't fit what she considered to be new age. So I wrote a composition that was, in opinion new agey…
This track is off the third CD. The title is related to playing style which is centered around tappping. Recorded with my Huss and Dalton MJC in open D tuning
A bit of fun for the holiday. This one features guest vocalist R.I.P otherwise known as the cheap battery powered talking tombstone