ghostly's listening history
This is the same piece recorded once with octava mikes and then with AKG mikes as a final for the protools class
A short project in a community college protools class where we had to create a song from what ever we could record in the class, like key chains ect.. It made me think of a scene in a movie where the submarine is diving.
written, produced, performed by Mathieu Ferland.
Ivory Cybernetics.
all rights reserved 2008.
Main Title track for A Soundtrack To An Imaginary Movie...
More playing with BigSeq
Thanks sandbags for the initial idea that started the thing; which was to run piano loops through BigSeq. Then slowing the tempo down to 26 I started adding some other textural things and ended up with this. Then some…
This track started with an accident.
I started building a pattern in Elysium. When I was happy with that, I recorded a bunch of it with Live. I loop recorded with quantization. When the thing looped around, I realized that Elysium was still…