halfnormal's listening history
I hated my friend's ex-girlfriend. Screw you, Keitha Lynn Barney.
My mother is not a nice lady. I haven't spoken to her since the day I turned 18.
This song is the intro part of my epic: the sixteen numbered tracks are all part of one song and flow into one another without any pause.
I've got a whole new batch of tunes I've been working on, as well as some desperately needed redos.
This one is wordless. Ohm . . .
I've just finished the music on 17 songs and I still have to go through and do the vocals, a daunting undertaking. Before I add vocals, to whet the appetite . . .
This one will eventually have lyrics about dead country stars and such.
This gets pretty heavy after the intro. I trimmed out a verse/chorus for now . . .