15 tracks by hollowandroid
So I just stumbled upon this on my computer. I think I got it to like 70%, but then my computer died and I lost all the files, so I'll never return to it. This is the last bounce. I think it's okay? Doesn't really matter. Thought I'd put it out.
I realized I hadn't uploaded this. It's the same as the last track with one small change at the end. Mostly just putting it here so it's here if I were to have someone come here to check out my stuff.
I got the new Logic X and jumped right in and made a dance tune. Not sure why dance music.
Finally I've completed a proper track that I spent a fair bit of time on.
Meant as an outro to the RPM 2010 album. I'm not proud of it, but i needed 1:45 more music to complete the challenge and it's the last day!
Meant as an introduction track to the RPM 2010 album.
From RPM 2010. It's entirely analog synthesizer, drum machine, and my voice. Effects, too, of course. It's pretty repetitive, but I find it kinda catchy.
First song I made after being lazy about making music for a few years. The whole thing took me a few weeks. I feel it should be noted that the song quotes a short passage from Nine Inch Nails' "Eraser." I'm not a very creative lyricist.