Howard R Music's listening history

Ron's avatar
guitar rock song about the green eyed monster . by Andy Rashley & Ron Rouch plus Dave Mathews on drums
Howard R Music's avatar
When I was 18 I started a military tour. One thing I discovered that'll happen to a young G.I. is that you'll meet a really special girl just about the same time you're issued these papers called "travel orders." The next thing you know, you…
Howard R Music's avatar
For some reason, when I was young, I wanted to have a red headed woman ... until I married one.
Howard R Music's avatar
A little ditty about hard times. Self inflicted or otherwise.
Howard R Music's avatar
An old man's reflections about past love.
Howard R Music's avatar
A poor boy's lament about the girl on the hill.
Howard R Music's avatar
When I was 18 I started a military tour. One thing I discovered that'll happen to a young G.I. is that you'll meet a really special girl just about the same time you're issued these papers called "travel orders." The next thing you know, you…