80 tracks by ieatpants
this is pretty much a typical drunken puke from my brain to my pen and page. no idea what's really going on here, but it's fairly entertaining, so i'm pleased.
the best song i've ever written about ikea furniture
well, everyone has to eat sometime, amiright? RIGHT?!?!?!
imagine if jamie stewart from xiu xiu decided to write a song about a sketch from homestarrunner.com... seriously.
in my dreams, my friends come to visit me in new york. they bring me money but i refuse it on principle. also, there is some sort of fact-checking problem. i have no idea.
this was a hard song to play and sing... mostly because i was terribly hungover. oh yeah, and also it's horribly depressing.
singing our own funeral song... rustling our feet through dead leaves that were once our flesh.
sometimes i think all i'll ever need is you, me, a bottle of whiskey, and a couple of limes.
this song was written as part as a collaboration with robinmarie on the 50/90 site. i don't have time to explain what that is -- there is someone watching me and they are in space. where there is no oxygen or even anything else. it's really creepy…
i think a lot about the responsibility we have to our descendants, but then i usually stop when i think about how annoying most people are... this song is both a cynical and a positive take on the human species.
just a quick little instrumental that i really like...
here's a song about food.
the extravagantly long and noisy intro doesn't really fit the subject matter, or the tone of the last minute, but hey, it's my song. i'll do what i want. :)
i've been having dreams about my ex girlfriend...
it's strange to know someone for 8 years and then, one day, decide never to talk them again.
oh it is so much fun trying to decide who's fault it is that my life has turned out so pitiful (hint, it's mine!)
not sure how i feel about some of the ideas i'm singing about in this song, but hey, i don't have time to rewrite anything.