istlota's listening history

istlota's avatar
The clock is ticking. Just a few more months before the Winter Solstice of 2012. At least one scientist has even gone public and admitted, well, yeah, this heatwave we are dealing with this summer is, indeed, due to the abnormally active sun storms…
istlota's avatar
Outside this motel room, there is a world gone man. Mortals eating the flesh off the face of other mortals. Mad shooters mass murdering strangers for no apparent reason. Well, baby, I say we just stay here, you and me, make love, and forget about…
istlota's avatar
There is this ancient myth. Beneath the Great Pyramid, there is another dimension, the Halls of Amenti, where Visitors have been for tens of millenia. They Watch, occasionally they gently nudge us towards the Light. But, other that that, they…
istlota's avatar
There once a king. He came up with a new game, Global Nuclear Holocaust. And all his subjects praised him on his great skill and wisdom. They danced in the streets, with gravity defying leaps, while shouting at the tops of their lungs USA, USA…
istlota's avatar
The White House, and Congress, have made it legal to arrest, and detain, American citizens without benefit of habeas corpus. 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point ammo is being distributed to the Dept of Homeland Security while our POTUS is seeking…
istlota's avatar
This is one of two instrumental interpretations I have worked on of a tune Oh My Goodness wrote. If you have not checked out her talented vocals yet, check out .
istlota's avatar
One of two of my instrumental interpretations of a tune Oh My Goodness wrote entitled Not Lying [ ].
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